0.0 Introduction

02-04-18_1-34-12 AM


This is where I will chronicle my attempt to complete the “I’m Surrounded By Idiots” challenge with Jon Lothario, a Don Lothario clone, as the first TH.

02-06-18_11-15-49 PM

I’ve tried this challenge twice before, but gave up because I was micromanaging the NTHs too much with clubs/the parenting skill. This third attempt is more for fun, and for me to experiment with writing a Sims blog. I’ve never done it, so please bear with me while I figure out screenshotting and whatnot. I have some screenshot fails in the first few chapters (lots of uggo UI). Sorry in advance.

Also, I abruptly change the narration style in the coming chapters. It’s jarring and weird, so I’m sorry, but I wasn’t enjoying the “And then they did this! And then they did this! And then Jon fell down the stairs and everyone laughed! And then they did this!” kind of narration I began with. PLEASE FORGIVE ME. Or don’t, and just stop reading.



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